A. Blowing The installment of a large-sized filter at the end of inlet is recommended.
1. The total sections of outlets should be half more than the outlet section of the blower.
2. If use as an air pump under water, the water level should between 80% of the maximum which show on the catalogue.
3. At least one meter long iron tube should be applied to the blower when it used as deliver air under pressurization, due to the exhaust temperature will be 10°C higher than the normal atmospheric temperature by the compression of air.
B. 吸风-出口可装消音器。
1 .吸入口之总截面积应大于气环式真空泵入口截面积之1/2。
B. Suction- A silencer is able to install in the outlet.
1. The total sections of inlets should be half more than the inlet section of the blower.
2. For the enclosed fan type or long use , please choose the enhanced type。
•三相-10 ~ 40C 单相-5 ~ 40P
(1) Install places— The environment should follow the conditions below
•The ambient temperature for three-phase blower is40°C ~ 40°C, and for single-phase blower is-5°C~ 40°C.
•Good ventilation with less dustand humidity. Kindly pay extra attention to ODP(Open Drip Proof) motor for its weak at dust-proof and damp-proof. •If the blower is used outside, please set up the canopy.
A 养殖池 [1 m,空气约有290g氧1 m'空气进入水中约有5g溶氧]
' 1.1 rr^ 约需0.036m3/min 空气
a. 所需空气量约为 10X30X0.036=10.8m7min
b. 所需气环式真空泵连续使用上限之吐出压力约为1.5X1.3=1.95M水压=1950mmH2O
A. Fishery ponds: One cubic meter of air about 290grams oxygen, One cubic meter of air dissolve inthe water with 5 grams oxygen soluble in water 1.0.036 m3/min air needed per square meter (m2)
2. dep th X safety factor = pressure of th e upper limit when blower used Continuously
E.g. Pond 10m(long) X30m (wide) X 1.5m (deep)
a. airneeded :10X30X0.036=10.8m3/min
b. the pressure of upper limit produced by the blower used ccontinuously: 1.5X 1.3=1.95M =1950mmH2O
id da任嫩 爛丄—1.1 m?约需要0.2m7min空气
B .电度清.巧水禮 —2.槽深X液体比重x安全系数=气环式真空泵机连续使用上限之吐出压力
B. Plating tank> Sewage tank
1. 0.2 m3/min air needed Per square meter (m2)
2. depth of tankX liquid specific gravity X safety factor
=pressure of the upper limit when blower used continously
C风刀 1族X宽+3.14X2X安全系数=支管直径
2/KX宽X风刀数+ 3.14X2X安全系数=气环式真空泵出口内径
3.被吹物离风刀距离+ 10=风刀宽度
1. ylongXwide4-3.14X2Xsafety factor=branch diameter
2. V longXwideXthe number of air knife<3.14X2Xsafety factor=outled diameter blower
3. distance between object and air knife-M0=the width of air knife
瓦斯/空气=1/24 100,000cal(卡)热能约需空气2m〃min(立方米/分)
1 .所需风速约50m/s(米渺)~100m/s(米渺)以上
D. Air knife > Conveying、Spray combustion Gas/air=l/24, 100 calories heat need air about 2 m3/min 1 .wind speed need above between 50m/s~100m/s 2.on static pressure please refer to selection diagrams
I— 1.吸风口总面积X50%~80%=气环式真空泵入口面积
E.吸著, 吸风机入口面积X30/s~50m/s=风量(视漏气多少而定)
E. Suck
a) the total area of suck tuyere X 50%?80%=the inlet area ofblower
the inlet area of suck tuyere X 3 0m/s~50m/s= air volume(depending on the leak to circumstances )
b) static pressure about 300mmAq~30000mmAq (depending on the thickness of the sucked objects)
F. 串联之应用一压力增加(但禁止不同功率串联)
1 .压力=(A机+B机)X90% 2.风量=入机
F. Series connection— pressure increase (But prohibit different horsepower series)
1 .pressure=(machine A+machine B) )X 90% 2. air volume= machine A
G. 并联之应用一风量增加
1.风量=A^n.+B机 2.压力=A机或B机
G. Parallel connection
1. Air volume= machine A+machine B 2. pressure= machine A or machine B
H. 气环式真空泵出口由於压力与空气摩擦生热,所以出口应先接用长1M以上铁管
H. Blower and air friction, produce heat due to pressure, so the outlet should be connected with iron pipe long more than 1 meters before. 京1.以上仅供设计上之参考,如有出入以实际所需为准。2.进一步资料,请参阅型录及气环式真空泵使用说明书。3.参考数据:安全系数5.2~1.5
1 .Above are for design reference only. If there is discrepancy subject to actual situation.
2. For more information, please see type documents and blower instructions. Thanks!
3. Reference points:the safety factor is about one point two to one point five.